Welcome to LEH Stuttgart





Pamela Jean Livock gehört seit 2005 zum LEH-Team. Somit hat sie im Standort Stuttgart-Feuerbach eines der andauerndsten Little English Häuser. Sie ist in Yorkshire (England) geboren und unterrichtet nicht nur Kinder, sondern gibt seit 2014 auch erfolgreich Unterricht für Senioren. Außerdem gehört sie einem Chor in Stuttgart an, weshalb ihr Unterricht eng mit Musik und musizieren verbunden ist. Das Besondere im LEH in Stuttgart ist die English Tea Time, auf die sich die Kinder in (fast) jeder Stunde freuen dürfen.

Where to find us?

Our classes take place in Stuttgart-Feuerbach, Gaisgasse 10. Within a 2 minutes' walk, you can find a public parking area. The classroom is in quiet surroundings which allows for some lessons to take place in Jeannie's beautiful garden as well.

Opening Hours in the LEH Stuttgart

Our classes take place monday to friday from 3pm to 6pm. If you are interested in joining a course, you can use the green button to write an e-mail telling us about your child (age, language proficiency, etc.). You can also find further contact details such as our phone number down below.

Register for trial lesson

Schools and kindergartens

We'd be glad to visit your facilities to offer English lessons for your students as well. We work closely with the administration, teachers and educators in the respective institution.

If parents are interested in inviting the Little-English-House-Language-Concept into their daughters' or sons' educational establishment, you can contact us as well. We are also offering special conditions for lessons in external facilities - request further information and ask for our information brochure explicitly for schools and kindergartens.

We offer free and non-commital trial sessions in which we introduce our concept to you during your next parents' evening.



+49 711 856 9469


Gaisgasse 10, 70469 Stuttgart-Feuerbach
Footer Logo - Chico Montessori Kindergarten
In the Little English House®, children acquire the English language in a playful and successful way.

We work in small groups to guarantee individual support for every child. With our unique and scientifically sound method, the children get to know the foreign language with the help of music and art as well as learner oriented syllabi.

Contact Info

info (@) littleenglishhouse.de
+49 (0) 176 237 60 850
Uhlandstr. 12
78244 Gottmadingen
© 2023Little English House Company. All Rights Reserved.